UMO was established by Levent AKSÜT M.Sc.Eng. Arch and, Yasar MARULYALI M.Sc.Eng. Arch. in 1955.
Since then, the firm has been active in the fields of projecting and consulting and has been presented with many awards in architectural competitions worldwide. With the second honor prize of the "London Islam Cultural Center and Mosque" competition, UMO has gained international recognition as well. During this 50 years, UMO has prepared complete project and tender files for buildings of many official, semiofficial and private establishments. It has also undertaken the technical control, supervision services and construction organization for some of these works.
The company has undertaken a great number of buildings, building groups and structures of various types both in Turkey and abroad. During these projects, the professional approach was always a priority. The cooperation and coordination of various experts in their fields of specialty, such as civil, mechanical, electrical, road sewage and topographical engineering have been the main reason for this success.
UMO architecture has always used the most recent technological advances in all protects and has realized many functional buildings which meet the clients needs in the most appropriate way. Besides these works, UMO also founded "USKON Space Frame Construction Co." In 1979 and introduced prefabricated steel roof construction technology to Turkey. With this system, the construction period has been reduced and it has become possible to have large span buildings.
In 1999 UMO as Designer Company and Uskon as the Steel Constructor Company Won 'ECSS_European Structural Steel design Awards 'for The Sabancı Convention Exhebition Center –The Glass Pyramit, in Antalya, TURKEY.
In 2003 , UMO Won again 'ECSS_European Structural Steel design Awards' for Full Automatic Multi Storey Car Park Building ,in İstanbul ,TURKEY.

Design Philosophy of UMO
Established in 1955, UMO Architecture has been providing innovative architectural and engineering services for over 50 years. Over the time, our philosophy toward design has remained unchanged. Architecture, as we see it, is the art of composing spaces with rational, functional, solutions in the context of modernism towards the ethics of modernist idea to answer a client's needs. We believe that designing constructible sustainable buildings with flexible solutions will provide creative space possibilities to those who have the pleasure of living with it. We strive to achieve a diverse range of project scales and building types and perceive each project as a renewed opportunity to explore the possibilities for unique architectural expression.

- Hypermarkets
- Business centers
- Shopping Malls
- Office Buildings
- Industrial Buildings
- Hospitals
- Urban Planning
- Hotels
- Student Hostels
- University Campuses
- Sports Centers
- Exhibition Centers
- Religious Buildings
- Monuments
- Housing Groups
- Residences
- Mass Housing Projects
- Large Span Buildings
- Airports
- Technological Centers

1931 Was born in Mersin 1948 Graduated from Ataturk High School in Ankara 1953 Graduated from Istanbul Technical University, Architectural Faculty 1955 Founded UMO Architectural, Engineering, Construction and Consulting Limited Company. 1965-1971 Project lecturer in Yıldız Technical University, Architectural Faculty. 1969 Won the 2nd place in International London Islamic and Cultural Center competition. 1979 Founded USKON – Space System Construction Co. Inc. and introduced prefabricate space steel frame system in Turkey for the first time. 1983 Was awarded the "30 years of Honor Certificate" by the Turkish Chambers of Architect. 1989 Was one of the founder members of the Turkish Constructional Steel Association. 1993 Was awarded Istanbul Technical University's "40 years of Honor Certificate" by the Turkish Chambers of Architect. 1994 Founded the Construction Site Management component (UMO Tech.) of UMO Architectural, Engineering, Construction and Consulting Limited Company, and assumed numerous project's management and consulting in Turkey and Internationally 1999 Was awarded with the European Award for Steel Structures for Antalya Sabancı Exhibition and Convention Center. Between the years of 1955 and 2000 participated numerous competitions as a judge and won numerous degrees and honorable mentions. Worked on the projects of numerous structures and ensured projects' executions. Was leader in various new technological aspects in Turkey, such as glass casing of the buildings, structural glass facades, all automatic auto park systems etc. 1979-2000 worked on numerous projects on steel prefabricate space systems in Turkey, United States and Singapore and other countries. 2000 Founded USKON Europe Structures Spatiales company. 2000 Founded Çelik Yapı Project, Manufacturing, Assemblage Co. Inc. Yaşar Marulyalı is still the Vice President of Turkish Constructional Steel Association, and is the President of the Architectural Foundation since 2005. Is member of IASS (The International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures) Is member of architectural consulting committee ECCS (European Convention for Constructional Steelwork)
Yaşar Marulyalı Education and Career Academics:
Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Architectural Faculty, Architectural School (2009 – to present).
Yeditepe Univeristy, Architectural Faculty, Architectural School (2001-2008)
Yıldız Technical University, Architectural Faculty, Architectural School (1965-1972)

Levent AKSÜT
1930 Born in Istanbul 1953 Gratuated from Istanbul Technical University Architectural School. 1955 Founded UMO Architectural, Engineering, Construction and Consulting Limited with his friend Yaşar Marulyalı and is still actively working. 1963 Entered the Turkish Association of Bright and Promising Professionals. Served as judicator, custodian and honorable member at Hürriyet Associtation. 1979 Founded USKON – Space System Construction Co. Inc. and introduced prefabricate space steel frame system in Turkey for the first time. 1993 Was one of the founder members of Yakacık Honorable Association. 1999 Was awarded with the Masonic Award. 1955-2000 Won numerous National and International awards and mentions, and served as jury member in numerous contests. He designed as well as implemented numerous important construction projects. He was one of the leaders of using new technologies in the Country (Glass Facade Casing, Structural Glass Facades, Fully automatic auto park systems etc.) Was awarded 30th and 40th year Honor Certificate. 1969 Awarded with the 2nd place in the International London Islamic Center and Mosque Contest. 1999 Was awarded with the European Award for Steel Structures for Antalya Glass Pyramid Sabancı Exhibition and Convention Center. Won the contests with his construction projects for Dumlupınar Monument, Cyprout Freedom and Peace Monument in Girne, and Ataturk Monument in Famagusta Eastern Mediterranean University, and implemented the projects. All these monuments brought new view and breath to the understanding of monuments. Was the president of Istanbul Swimming Specialization Club between 1976 – 1980 and 1998-2000.Istanbul Swimming Club has tremendous contributions to the Turkish swimming sport. Was awarded with International Olympic Committee's Appreciation Certificate. 1955 Became a member of TODEV (Turkish Autistic Association). 1997 Built Association's school and donated it as a trustee member. The school is located in Göztepe neighborhood in Istanbul on 3000sqm land near the Gözcübaba Mosque and is helping, and educating families with autistic family members. Levent Aksüt is still the president of TODEV. 2000 Founded USKON Europe Structures Spatiales Company. 2000 Founded Çelik Yapı – Project, Production, Assembly Co. Inc. Levent Aksüt is the President of Turkish Freelance Architecutal Consulting Association's Istanbul Branch. Aksüt is a former gymnastic athlete and plays a violin. Every year he participates Turkish Olympic Committee's Bosphorus International between continents swimming race and wins a degree every time.
Levent Aksüt Education and Career Academics:
Post Graduate: Istanbul Technical University, Architectural School
Graduate: Istanbul Technical University, Architectural School (1953)
High School : Beyoğlu boy's High School.